For accessing your course's videos and materials, you will need to login to our partner website, Academy. Follow the steps below to find your course on the site.
Note: Academy has a separate login from, although they can be set to be identical to one another.
1. Login to your Academy account
2. On the next page you will find your courses listed. Select one by clicking the View Course button.
3. You will be met with the course overview that outlines each volume included with the course. You can click the Start Course button to launch from the beginning, or click the volume you wish to explore.
Note: You can access all of the course at any point in time, there are no time or access restrictions.
Once you have viewed the relevant materials, you can find all of your CE Tests on our home site,
For assistance finding your CE Tests on, refer to our article here: How Do I Take a CE Test That I have Already Purchased?