Our Full Collection and Social Work Collection title lists contain each title's corresponding video ID. We have listed the Video IDs in their own column on our title lists. They may found in the column furthest to the right.
Title lists may be found here:
- Full Collection title list: http://www.psychotherapy.net/data/fe/file/Full Collection.pdf
- Social Work Collection title list: http://www.psychotherapy.net/data/fe/file/SW collection.pdf
For example, the title Building Confidence in Motivational Interviewing in the Motivational Interviewing from the Motivational Interviewing Step by Step 4 video series has a Video ID of 209
To create a URL for this title to directly access in the future, simply add the Video ID (the bold number in the below example) to the end of your video library URL;
http://www.psychotherapy.net/stream/institution ID/video?vid=209
The Institution ID is site-specific. To determine your Institution ID, simply look at the URL in the address bar of your browser. The Institution ID will always be found after /stream/ in the URL.
In this case, the Institution ID is: university-of-shelley.
If your library is using a proxy server the URL above will look a bit different, however the Video ID will always be placed after video?vid= in the URL.
For example, a URL may look like: